Join SmartCharge to optimize your home charging! At APS, we look for tailored solutions that align with your individual needs. That's why we offer you the flexibility to select from two programs.
If you own a Tesla EV and are not enrolled in a Time of Use (TOU) rate with your utility, you may be eligible to participate!
You’ll be rewarded for making small adjustments to your EV charging schedule when energy is most in demand.
You can adjust your charging
schedule at any time from your ChargingRewards app.
APS does not approve or endorse any one device or device manufacturer over another and is not responsible for the services and products of other parties.
The APS logo is owned by APS.
Select and apply for a single program, as members are limited to only participating in one.
At this time, only one vehicle or device per household is eligible for enrollment. If you own multiple electric vehicles, we recommend enrolling the vehicle you use and charge the most.
SIGN UPSmartCharge: EV Charging Assistant Rewards
If you are an EV driver looking for a seamless way to be compensated and further reduce your carbon emissions, this solution is designed with simplicity and convenience in mind. Just plug in and leave the rest to us!
$25 program enrollment bill credit
$5 participation bill credit per month for staying enrolled
Eligible Devices:
✔ Reduce your carbon emissions
✔ Allows for automated, more sustainable charging
✔ Ability to opt-out of adjustments
✔ During periods of high demand for energy or when clean energy is abundant, APS will make small adjustments to your charging schedule or speed
✔ Contribute to enhancing APS's understanding of your EV charging patterns
✔ You will remain in control of your charging, and you'll help APS manage energy use -- a win-win
✔ Tesla EV
✔ ChargePoint
✔ Emporia
✔ EvoCharge
✔ Wallbox
Coming Soon: Toyota, Lexus, GM, Stellantis, Volvo
SIGN UPSmartCharge: EV Data Rewards
This solution caters to EV drivers that are comfortable sharing their charging data with APS. Your charging will not be controlled in an effort to reduce energy, but you will still be compensated. By participating, you contribute to enhancing our understanding of EV charging patterns.
$25 program enrollment bill credit
$5 participation bill credit per month for staying enrolled
Eligible Devices:
✔ Contribute to enhancing APS's understanding of EV charging patterns
✔ You will remain in control of your charging, and you'll help APS understand EV charging -- a win-win
✔ Tesla EV
✔ ChargePoint
✔ Emporia
✔ EvoCharge
✔ Wallbox
✔ Lexus
✔ Toyota
Coming Soon: GM, Stellantis, Volvo